2601 Cartwright Rd. STE. D#246



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Raising awareness and implementing change to social issues among youth in an effort to eliminate bullying and suicide, is the purpose of the IWILL Campaign. This program initiative creates an environment that provides creative processes and the releasing of life changing experiences to save young men and women.


 BULLYING: Seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce someone perceived as vulnerable.

 SUICIDE: Act of intentionally causing one’s own death.

 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS: A connection between two or more people based on: Mutual Respect, Trust and Honesty.


 Mission: Bringing impact to the community by educating, supporting, and coaching young men and women.

 Vision: Building the next generation of leaders through mentorship and training.


Types of Bullying:

  •  Verbal bullying, including teasing, inappropriate comments, name-calling, threats and offensive hand gestures.

  •  Social bullying, including intentional exclusion, spreading rumors and embarrassing someone.

  •  Physical bullying, including hitting, kicking, spitting, pushing or breaking someone’s personal belongings.

  •  Cyber bullying, which includes many of the same behaviors as social and verbal bullying, but takes place online where information can be quickly disseminated and to a large number of people.

Verbal / Social / Physical Bullying Points:

  •  Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year

  •  Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying

  •  1 in 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying

  •  1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of the time

  •  Physical bullying increases in elementary school, peaks in middle school and declines in high school. Verbal abuse, on the other hand, remains constant.

Cyber Bullying Points:

  •  Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying.

  •  1 in 10 adolescents or teens have had embarrassing or damaging pictures taken of themselves without their permission, often using cell phone cameras

  •  Mean, hurtful comments and spreading rumors are the most common type of cyber bullying

  •  Cyber bullying affects all races

  •  Cyber bullying victims are more likely to have low self esteem and to consider suicide


Suicide Points:

  •  Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24. (2018 CDC WISQARS)

  •  5,000 young people complete suicide in the U.S. each year.

  •  Each year, there are approximately 10 youth suicides for every 100,000 youth.

  •  Each day, there are approximately 12 youth suicides.

  •  Every 2 hours and 11 minutes, a person under the age of 25 completes suicide.

  •  More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED.


The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that each year approximately one million people die from suicide, which represents a global mortality rate of 16 people per 100,000 or one death every 40 seconds. It is predicted that by 2020 the rate of death will increase to one every 20 seconds.


Some ways to prevent bullying and suicide points:


  •  Help kids understand bullying and how to identify it

  •  Keep the lines of communication open

  •  Encourage kids to do what they love

  •  Model how to treat others


  •  Don’t let your child’s depression or anxiety snowball

  •  Listen—even when your child is not talking

  •  Never shrug off threats of suicide as typical melodrama

  •  Seek professional help right away

  •  Share your feelings and let them know they are not alone

  •  Encourage your teen not to isolate himself or herself from family and friends

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Teens Talk is a show by teens, for teens, created by Society of Royals, a non-profit
organization with a passion and purpose to save the youth of this world from feeling like they
have no outlet and no voice. This talk show style panel is meant to be an open forum that
allows youth to discuss topics that are relevant to them, and allows them to gain perspectives
from other youth around them.This is also a place to showcase their talents in all areas,
including academics, sports, arts, and STEM.


 Our mission is to give teens a safe and positive place on the internet to express their
thoughts, concerns and opinions.


  •  Our vision is to show teens that good comes to those who do good in the world.


Our purpose is for teens to know that they matter and that what matters to them is important.
We aim to give them a platform for the world to hear their voice.


Our goal is to allow teens to be well represented online. We also want to create a blueprint on
how to bridge the gap of districts and diversity by using kindness and similar interests. We will start in one state and expand to others.

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Fine Arts for a Cause is centered around unity, creativity, and education, with a vision of providing the chance for students to learn and grow collectively. Students will showcase inspirational pieces that empower, uplift, and build self-esteem among their peers through love. Emphasizing an effort to decrease suicide rates, bullying, tackle mental health issues, and prevent future school shootings. We believe all areas of fine arts move people, and by way of its content, the voices of the younger generations are echoed. 

The ART of Love – is our way of showing love through art. Each participant will have to create either a painting, drawing, or figure that shows an act of love.

Dare 2 Dance – is our way of combining the arts, team building, and inspiration. MUST BE TWO DANCERS who create a two- minute dance from a genre of their choice that will inspire their viewers.

Lyrics for Learning – is a positive way for our youth to express words of hope, empowerment, and self-confidence to their peers in an artistic and creative way. These young, gifted teens will create an inspirational song that will empower, uplift, and build self-esteem among their peers with their words of love.

Movie Night – is for all of our film and theater students. This can be a group of no more than 10. Students must not only create a script using the designated topic and title for the term, but also create a short film of 15 min or less around that topic.

Poetry With A Purpose – students will be able to combine their love of the arts and literature by creating a positive poetry piece that will uplift their peers and classmates. 

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STEM Against Suicide

STEM Against Suicide is for students to express and showcase their talents in STEM. They can create something valuable for your peers to use. This creation/invention must be inspiring and will motivate them with their mental health or self-esteem. 

Categories:  App Development, Robotics, Coding, Engineering/Mathematics, and Artificial Intelligence. 

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Literature Legends

Literature Legends is for all of our creative writers out there. Students must write a story that makes a difference and that can eventually make an impression on the world. It should be uplifting with the ability to motivate their readers. 

You have the free will to select from the following genres; Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Biography, Autobiography, and Poetry.

You can choose to write a children’s book, teen novel or a young adult book. Poetry books are welcome as well. 

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Coming Fall 2023

Build a Book is an 18-week creative writing course enabling students to create and publish books that fosters self-expression, creative writing skills, and boosts emotional, psychological, and social well-being. We developed the programming targeting at-risk students in lower-income, inner-city, marginalized communities to impact their life and mental health positively